Job Description:
Job information
Senior Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner from the Company
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, this latest
Senior Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner job vacancy is located in the city
London W located in the country
United Kingdom . This latest job opening is open to job seekers who have the latest education / graduate
GCSE . Job Vacancies in this
Senior field have been opened and published up to the specified time.
Job Responsibility:
The role of the Senior Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner is to develop and expand the low intensity service provision within Community Living Well in Kensington and Chelsea. The post holder will hold a qualification (post graduate diploma / certificate) in Low Intensity working, from an accredited course, will offer evidence-based practice in facilitated self-help, cCBT and psycho-educational groups and will develop, support and train innovative practice to qualified and trainee Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, and to other workers qualified to act in low intensity worker roles. This is an exciting post for an experienced and confident Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner to develop the role of Senior PWP to support our expanding Talking Therapies Service in Kensington and Chelsea. For the post, we are looking for someone who is passionate about the benefits and scope of low intensity interventions and who will innovate in our Step 2 team. Your role will include working together with the Step 2 lead to develop the Step 2 team, manage our outreach programme and increase our offer of low intensity interventions in the community. There will be a focus on integrating and developing links with community resources in order to provide regular workshops and groups in community settings to increase access to the service. You will also share the case management and line management responsibilities for the qualified and trainee PWP's in the service as well as hold a caseload of your own. Applicants must have post-qualification experience of working as a PWP in a Talking Therapies service, be highly competent in using IAPTus, have some experience of supporting other low intensity staff and have substantial group experience. You will be well-supported in the role by the service management team. Community Living Well is a large and busy integrated Talking Therapies service, providing step 2 and 3 interventions as well as support from our Employment support service, health Navigation and Peer Support, working to the Talking Therapies national service requirements. Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, PWP trainees and Assistant PWP's provide assessments and low intensity interventions as well as facilitating groups and outreach programmes. The successful applicant may have contact with patients or service users. As an NHS Trust we strongly encourage and support vaccination as this remains the best way to protect yourself, your family, your colleagues and of course patients and service users when working on our healthcare settings. To accept referrals via agreed protocols within the service To assess and support people with a common mental health problem in the self management of their recovery To undertake patient-centred interviews which identify areas where the person wishes to see change and or recovery and makes an accurate assessment of risk to self and others To make decisions on suitability of new referrals, adhering to the department's referral protocols, refer unsuitable clients on to the relevant service or back to the referral agent as necessary or step up the person's treatment to high intensity psychological therapy To provide a range of information and support for evidence based high-volume low-intensity psychological treatments. This may include guided self-help computerised CBT, information about pharmacological treatments. This work may be face to face, telephone or via other media To educate and involve family members and others in treatment where necessary and appropriate To adhere to an agreed activity contract relating to the overall number of client contacts offered, and clinical sessions carried out per week in order to minimise waiting times and ensure treatment delivery remains accessible and convenient To attend multi-disciplinary meetings relating to referrals or clients in treatment, where appropriate To complete all requirements relating to data collection within the service To keep coherent records of all clinical activity in line with service protocols and use these records and clinical outcome data in clinical decision making To work closely with other members of the team ensuring appropriate step-up and step-down arrangements are in place to maintain a stepped care approach To assess and integrate issues surrounding work and employment into the overall therapy process To operate at all times from an inclusive values base that promotes recovery and recognises and respects diversity To prepare and present clinical information for all patients on their caseload to clinical case management supervisors within the service on an agreed and scheduled basis, in order to ensure safe practice and the clinical governance obligations of the worker, supervisor and service are delivered To deal with a range of clients and clinical situations, including those involving highly emotive communication and the need to apply initiative, tact and persuasion in the face of psychological resistance To generate links in the community in order to break down barriers of access for hard to reach client groups.
Keywords : London jobs
Closed Date : 2025-04-11