
Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology


Job ID:


Job Type:









Job Views:



GBP £99,532 - £131,964 a year

Job Description:

Job information Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology from the Company County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, this latest Consultant in Diabetes & Endocrinology job vacancy is located in the city Darlington DL located in the country United Kingdom . This latest job opening is open to job seekers who have the latest education / graduate GCSE . Job Vacancies in this Consultant field have been opened and published up to the specified time.

Job Responsibility:

The post holders will be expected to undertake clinical work in conjunction with their clinical colleagues and other professional staff in order to maintain and develop the diabetes, endocrinology and metabolic service. The following are subject to change as the Trust seeks new ways of working. The post holders will be based at the University Hospital North Durham or Darlington Memorial Hospital, with commitment to out-patient services in associated hospitals within the Trust. The post holders will undertake clinical work in conjunction with their colleagues and other professional staff in order to maintain and develop diabetes and endocrinology services and develop specialist skills in accordance with the needs of the department. They will be responsible in conjunction with colleagues for planning future developments of these services. The post holders will work with colleagues to develop services in the community including a contribution to the development and co-ordination of GPs with a special interest and the role of the Diabetes Specialist Nurses in the Community. The post holders will share responsibility with the other Diabetologists in the trust to maintain and develop specialist services as well as working with the local implementation teams. This will also include a level of clinical supervision for GPs with a special interest and community Diabetes Specialist nurses, a point of contact, advice and referral. The post holders will have continuing responsibility for the care of patients in their charge and will provide a comprehensive clinical service to consultant colleagues in other clinical disciplines in the hospital and to general practitioners in County Durham. The post holders will participate in the current 1:12 on call rota with unselected take along with the other consultants covering both week days and weekends as required. Consultants will cover colleagues in their absence and ensure continuous patient care. For management purposes and use of resources they will be accountable to the Clinical Director and will ensure the effective and efficient use of resources allocated. The post holders will be responsible for the professional and educational supervision of junior staff. The post holders will participate in the postgraduate teaching of medical staff and undergraduates attached to the Trust and in the training of all grades of staff in hospital and community. Research activities, which are considered to be an inherent part of normal clinical duties, will be encouraged and limited research funding may be available following successful applications to the local research and development committee. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - the post holder is responsible for ensuring that they meet the national requirements for CPD, both internal and external. They will be expected to attend regularly, and contribute to, the educational programmed activity held by the Directorate. It is expected that the appointee will actively and regularly participate in all clinical audit. The post holders will be expected to participate in clinical governance arrangements in line with national and local guidelines and in respect of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in the Trust in accordance with current best practice. The post holders will be expected to deputise in the absence of colleagues in cases of annual leave, study leave and sickness as far as is practicable. The post holders will uphold the visions of the Trust and work with the team to help deliver 7 day services for acute medicine and diabetes services which we are working towards.

Keywords : Darlington jobs

Closed Date : 2025-04-13

Company Info

County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust

Durham DH, United Kingdom

Company Profile

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