Job Description:
Job information
Junior Clinical Fellow in Oncology Renal/ Research from the Company
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, this latest
Junior Clinical Fellow in Oncology Renal/ Research job vacancy is located in the city
London NW QG located in the country
United Kingdom . This latest job opening is open to job seekers who have the latest education / graduate
GCSE . Job Vacancies in this
Junior field have been opened and published up to the specified time.
Job Responsibility:
Applications are invited for Clinical Fellow in Renal Cancer to work within the Academic Oncology Department at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. The 12 month post combines 6 months as a renal research fellow with a focus on renal trial recruitment (also supporting oncology outpatient clinics) and 6 months as a Clinical Fellow (covering oncology and palliative care inpatients). It is anticipated that this role will allow the successful candidate to experience a wide range of oncology disciplines which would greatly enhance an application for higher medical training. 2 posts are available from August 2025, for 12months. Posts are based at the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead, London, on a full time basis. Renal Fellow (6m: no on call commitment) This established post undertakes a leading role in the Renal Cancer group, in partnership with fellow members of the oncology, immunology and urology teams, with responsibilities for patient care and recruitment into clinical trials. The appointee plays a key role in building a world class clinical and academic renal cancer service at the Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust and allows for the development of clinical and academic skills in renal cancer oncology. The post includes exposure to radiation therapies, including renal SABR. It is anticipated that the renal fellow role will be involved with developing a robust renal cancer patient database for research purposes This job description outlines the current main responsibilities of the post. However the duties of the post may change and develop over time and may therefore be amended in consultation with the post holder. Clinical Fellow (6m WITH on call supplement) For 6 months of the rotation, the post holder will join the ward team comprised of 2 FY1s, 1 IMT1/2 an SpR, an Oncology Consultant and a physician's assistant. They will liaise closely with the palliative care and wider multidisciplinary team regarding the day to day care of inpatients on a dedicated oncology ward. During this period they will liaise closely with the Teaching Fellow to coordinate ward based undergraduate teaching for the MBBS students, and also be responsible for organising postgraduate teaching for the ward teams. This post also contributes to the full shift IMT1/2 level on call rota. All medical patients who require hospital admission are admitted under the medical team and are then transferred to the appropriate ward - for oncology patients this is based on 11E. This medical model runs a ward based care system. After 8pm there is a Hospital at Night medical model providing cover for inpatients, which the JCF and IMT trainees contribute to. The junior fellows are expected to present at least one first author abstract at a national meeting during this post, and to contribute to quality improvement projects/audits. The Royal Free began as a pioneering organisation and continues to play a leading role among UK hospital trusts. Established in 1828 by William Marsden, a newly qualified surgeon shocked that he could not find treatment for a penniless young woman, we were the first to provide care free of charge and the only London hospital to stay open during the 19 th -century cholera epidemics. In the 21st century, we continue to lead improvements in healthcare, from targeted cancer therapies to new kinds of surgery. We offer an exceptionally wide range of local and specialist services, including cancer, plastic and neurosurgery, blood disorders and infectious diseases and are proud to have some of the best clinical outcomes in the country. On 1 July 2014, we became one of the largest trusts in the UK by acquiring Barnet and Chase Farm hospitals. Our trust has around 10, 000 staff serving 1.6 million patients. We provide care at Barnet Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital, the Royal Free Hospital and more than 30 services in the community. This larger scale organisation provides an unprecedented opportunity to continue our pioneering work, particularly in finding ways to deliver even better care to our patients. We are a campus of UCL Medical School and conduct important medical research. We also train doctors, nurses, midwives and many other clinical and non-clinical professionals. We helped to set up the academic health science centre, UCLPartners . Please see attached job description for more information about this role and working at Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.
Keywords : London jobs
Closed Date : 2025-04-17